Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Savage Music Tour Dates: ontd_political: Michael Savage has a long .

Williams reportedly planned to sharpen the ACLU, which Savage said "will kill us all if they're not stopped"

Williams allegedly wanted to "get a revolution" by "killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU." On July 18,according to a police investigation, Williams opened fire onCaliforniaHighway Patrol officers who had stopped him on an Oaklandhighway forspeeding and driving erratically.

After being taken intocustody,Williams reportedly toldinvestigators that "his purpose was to get a revolution bytraveling to San Francisco and killing masses of importance at the TidesFoundation and the ACLU."

Savage on the ACLU: "They will kill us all if they're not stopped." Duringa discussion with a callerabout how the ACLU is supposedly "goingafter" "the police, the soldiers, the marines, and now the CIA,"Savageproclaimed that "they will kill us all if they're not stopped." Fromhis radio program:

CALLER: My observation was on the CIA, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for the CIA and the FBI, and I think --

SAVAGE:And so do I. Without them - without them we would have been dead along time ago. The country would have been lost. Okay, we know that. Idon't see how anybody in America doesn't understand that.

CALLER:I reckon they're our close defense. I keep hoping every morning that weget up there's gonna be a news story that the CIA has uncovered thiscrooked, I mean just uncovered the crooked government that we have.

SAVAGE:Well how about the CIA is going to expose going the ACLU for theirforeign ties. Or how good the CIA has finally uncovered therelationship between Media Matters and foreign entities. Wouldn't those be wonderful headlines, if they were true?

CALLER: Well, I --

SAVAGE:Let me explain something. No organism whether it be a country or ahumanbeing can go if its immune system is compromised ordestroyed.And bygoing after the white blood cells, as the ACLU doesregularly -meaning thepolice, the soldiers, the marines, and nowthe CIA - whatthey aretrying to do is in essence destroy our whiteblood cells, ourinternal defense mechanism. They will kill usall ifthey're notstopped.

And I don't know what it's gonna take forthe people tofinally rise up and say: "Enough is enough. I want tounmask thecharacter who is running the ACLU. We take a thoroughinvestigation ofthis man because he has a name. We want to know why hehates the CIA. Wewant to go why he hates the FBI. We want to knowwhy he hates Americaand who he works for."

Wouldn't that be a wide series of questions to go with? [The Savage Nation, 8/24/09]

In the consequence of Williams' attempted attack, Savage has continued to demonize the ACLU.

Savageasks if "people can take endless insults from the ACLU and the radicaldeviants in the left wing until something terrible happens." Responding to a federal judge's ruling that California's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, Savage said:

SAVAGE:But when you see the votes of Americans thrown out the window by ajudge, do you think that's something that is good for Us at a timelike this? Do you believe that this is going to bring people together, ormake people crazier than they already are? Do you actually think thatthere aren't people . who are not going to go crazy because of this?Do you actually believe that people can take endless insults from theACLUand the radical deviants in the left wing until something terriblehappens in this country? The left does not know when to stop. The leftwill not stop until the field goes up in flames. Don't give themwhatthey want. I'll repeat that: Don't have them what they want. Theywantinsurrection so that their man in Havana, old Obama, can declaremartiallaw and take out all of your rights altogether. [The Savage Nation, 8/04/10] Savage's history of violent rhetoric

Savage: "We're going to find a revolution in this country. . These people are pushing the wrong people around." Savagediscussed multiculturalism and predicted, "This is not going to go onin this region much longer. We're going to find a revolution in thiscountry if this keeps up. These people are pushing the wrong peoplearound." Savage further said:

[T]he rage hasreached a boil. If they keep pushing us around, and if we keep havingthese schmucks running for office catering to the multicultural peoplewho are destroying the cultivation of this country . Guaranteed. Thepeople - the white male in particular - let me talk specifically. Thewhite male in particular - the one without connections, the onewithoutmoney - has nothing to lose, and you haven't seen him yet. Youhaven'tseen him explode in this country, and he's still a majority,by theway. In case you don't realise it. He is yet the majority. No onespeaksfor him. Everyone craps on him. People use him for cannonfodder. And hehas no voice whatsoever. He has nobody speaking for him.

Sohegoes to these extreme fighting events. Take a look at them, andyou'llsee what the white male is capable of. And you're going to findout thatif you keep pushing this region around, you'll find out thatthere'san ugly side to the white male that has been suppressed forprobably 30years right now, but it really has never gone away.[The Savage Nation, 8/20/09]

Savage: "I'd hang every lawyer who went down to Guantanamo." Whilediscussing the case of two University of South Florida students ontrial for charges that they provided material aid to terrorists, Savagetold a caller, "If I ran this country, I'd hang the lawyer. I would tryher for aiding and abetting terrorism - I'd hang her and I'd hangeverylawyer who went downward to Guantnamo to keep those murderers."Earlierin the same program, Savage said of the defendants and theirattorney,whom he called "a shyster lawyer, a girl lawyer": "I wouldexecute themand I'd execute the lawyer. How's that? I'd execute anylawyer who woulddo this to this land in a time like this - I'dhang her. I'd hangher. I'd hang her for aiding and abetting terrorism.Don't tell methey're entitled to a rational defense, I'm so sick ofthis - I couldrip my desk and it's made of iron. I feel like Supermanright now, Icould take my men and establish my desk, that's how enragedI am today,I'm choked up with anger." [The Savage Nation, 6/18/08]

Savage on "new Mao" Obama: "Revolutions have very high tolls in blood. Just be very, very careful about where we go." Duringa discussion of how we have a "Communist revolution" in America led by"Barack Hussein Obama" - who has supposedly surrounded himself with"Mao Zedong lovers" - Savage compared Mao using the "power of thepeasants" in China to Obama using the "peasants" in America to "motivatea Maoist revolution." Savage listed among American "peasants" the"thirty million illegal aliens," "those on welfare," "the uneducated"and "those who are full of hatred for those of us who work and havesomething." Later in the rant, Savage explained that "Maoism killed 60million people. Marxism killed 90 million people in the last century. Sorevolutions have very high tolls in blood. Just be very, very carefulabout where we go." [The Savage Nation, 10/20/09]

Savage: "I almost seem as though Obama's trying to have a civil war in Usa for his own reasons." Savagesaid that "[p]eople are sick, they're frightened" and "they'rephysically breaking down and they're mentally breaking down" because of"this administration." He added that he "almost feel[s] as thoughObama's trying to build a civil war in Usa for his own reasons." [The Barbarous Nation, 6/18/10]

Savage:"Only vigilance and opposite to this baby dictator, Barack HusseinObama, can maintain the Khmer Rouge from appearing in this country." Discussingthe atrocitiesperpetrated in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge, Savageexplained how Pol Pot was a "mild-mannered"professor like Obama.Savage added: "I would show it can happen here.And I would argue thatonly vigilance, only vigilance and resistance to this babydictatorand his lap of terrorists can save this from occurring here. I'llrepeat it. Only vigilance and resistance to this baby dictator, BarackHusseinObama, can prevent the Khmer Rouge from appearing in thiscountry." [The Savage Nation, 12/17/09]

"Democrat rat" is "going to do an Oklahoma City" or "a war" because they are "desperate right now."Savage said that "when you corner a rat, the rat gets vicious. AndthisDemocrat rat is cornered right now, and it's going to get veryvicious." He predicted that the government is "going to do an OklahomaCity" or "a war" because they are "desperate right now" and don't wantto give up power. [The Savage Nation, 8/12/09]

Savage: "[L]ikelihood is very high" that "martial law will be declared" after "equivalent of the Reichstag fire" occurs. Savageannounced that "the likelihood is very high that the gang that hastaken over this country" will "take" the "equivalent of the Reichstagfire" so that "martial law will be declared in this country." Savageadded that he doesn't "know what they are leaving to use - I don't knowwhat crisis they are going to gin up - but they are going to dosomething." [The Savage Nation,8/14/09]

Savage: "Radical left," including Obama, "dream[s]" of Maoist revolution with "death camps." Discussingthe "tremendous machismo in Us that is just under the rear ofthe sissified nation," as evidenced by "mixed martial arts," Savageclaimed that the "true red-blooded American types have been thrown outof the - out of the government." Savage asked if Obama and Democratsare "capable of hoodwinking the average American sufficient to bringabout the Maoist revolution that they dream of, with death camps, .arresting people for being patriotic, arresting people on suspicion ofbeing anti-government. You bid me to go down the list of what couldhappen under this group of left-wingers? Virtually anything that'shappened in China or the ex-Soviet Union can pass here." [The Savage Nation, March 2009]

Savage: "The radical Left and the radical Muslims are natural blood brothers. . They want to destroy the country." Discussinga story about"Muslim radicals who disrupted a speech by the Israeliambassador at UC Irvine,"Savage complained that they were beingdefended by CAIR and the Lawyers Guild, which supposedly has "a long tieto the Communist PartyU.S.A." Savage added that "the radical Leftandthe radical Muslims are natural blood brothers. They have somethingincommon. Theyall want to shoot down America. They want to destroythecountry." [The Barbarous Nation, 2/26/10]

Savage: "I fear that Obama will rise up a race war . in order to seize absolute power." Discussingthen-candidate Obama's potential election, Savage said that he"fear[s]that Obama will stir up a race war. You want to ask me what Ifear? Ithink Obama will empower the racists in this land and stirup a racewar in order to seize absolute power." [The Savage Nation, 10/8/08]http://mediamatters.org/research/201010110012

- Media Matters staff

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