Dear Mayor Savage;Opps, I think Dear Dan; I know it's late, but I can't sleep because after 20 days of brutal despotism and human rights abuses under the government of Darth Daley II, Chicago is preparing to go over the "keys" ( again) to an even more lethal dictator, named Rahm Emanuel. The job is that the "alternative" candidates are nearly equally as dismal. I will name them.
We get the "Chicago Combo Package"a the Homophobic Poverty Pimping lear jet driving mega church having Minister and State Senator, Rev. James Meeks-who's African-American and is infamous for his yearly million dollar right wing haunted house, please google this Dan!Two Latinos, one a Daley Stooge and the former a sale out "Vichy" who use to be progressive 20 years ago before joining Daley'skitchen cabinet as his City Clerk. I swear Dan, that's all we got in the 2nd largest metropolis in AMERICA! No Kidding! So what most you Dan? You've done more good, not only for Chicago, but for the State than all of the above put together! Not only with your amazing "It Gets Better Campaign" but besides your rays of brightness that you spread weekly to all sexually oppressed and ostracized people in the United State's.If elected not only would you be Mayor of the 2nd Largest Metropolis in the United State's, but also you could personally liberate a region that is a Daley and Republican voter strong hold, that's also home to the largest population of racist patriarchal gay white men in the world( aka "Boys Town") which is also is internal to the largest chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans and the nation. What say ye Dan???? Do I get to beg??? I could personally guarantee you a few straight male Black male votes who will sign gather petitions outside of Meek's Mega Church, Jesse Jackson's Church as well asOprah Winfrey's church. And with the number of closed Black males who go to church, you could be to victory on the down low vote!As you might remember the last rainbow coalition candidate we had was Harold Washington, who was the best Mayor ever. You could be next! I promise to get your assertion in the morning. p.s Sorry for the typos, who wouldn't make a few beers with this sad sad day in Gotham City Chicago!
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