Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Savage Slams “Lunatic” Big Sis For Wal-Mart Invasion

Big Sis would beencouraging Americans tospy on each other at Wal-Mart stores, slammingJanet Napolitano as a lunatic whobelongs in an institution and warningthat the platform was about identifying `blondehaired, blue eyed`Americans as domestic terrorists.

The DHS has announcedthat video messages featuring Napolitano will bring to Wal-Mart shoppers atcheckouts,as good as in hotels and early public venues, which encourageAmericans to "report suspicious activity," in a chilling throwback tothe EastGerman Stasi or George Orwell`s 1984.

Savage joked that mass would call HomelandSecurity to report cansof peaches that were upside down, dogs that were runningdown theaisle, and toys that were absent and may have been stolen byterrorists, similar to the numerous examples over the preceding several yearsof people calling 911 to reportbanal things like McDonalds restaurants running out of ChickenMcNuggets.

On a more serious note, the Talk Radio Networkhost pointed out thatpeople with "blond hair and dark eyes" will be theprimary targets ofthe "see something, say something" program, a reference tothe MIACreport and numerous other federal government advisories that identifypolitically active and loyal Americans as the chief domestic terrorthreat.

"If you see someone with a cross walking down theaisle, whobelieves in God and carries a flag, call Janet Napolitano," remarkedSavage.

"What the pit is she talk about, thislunatic," Savage screamed,"She belongs in a damn asylum!" as he likened Americato "a shipthat`s going down" while vocation for Napolitano to resign.

"I could never trust a country could go so upsidedown so fast,"lamented Savage, labeling Napolitano an "Unnamed college teacherofMarxist persuasion foisted upon us by George Soros," and pointing outthatshe wasn`t so concerned about "security" when she left the doorwide open forillegal immigrants to overflow into Arizona when she wasgovernor of the state.

"Have you always felt less strong because we havemore lunatics running higher things than ever?," asked Savage.

The Barbarous Nation gets about 10 millionlisteners a week, making Savage`s show the 3rd most widely heard broadcast inAmerica.

Source: Prison Planet

(PaulWatson) - Radio host warns that tattle-tale program is about identifying `blonde haired,blue eyed` Americans as domestic terrorists

Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.com Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Popular talk show host Michael Savage reacted with fury toyesterday`sannouncement by Homeland Security that

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