Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry at http://www.JRSBARBQ.com/ Check out the highlights below:
On fat jokes aimed at Vickie Guerrero: The book of emails and Tweets that we have received regarding the `fat jokes` directed toward Vickie Guerrero this week on WWE TV has been staggering. Not all were negative as many fans enjoyed the segments in wonder and called them `laugh out loud funny.
Other, however, have expressed displeasure and some have provided us with some extreme analogies. One emailer scolded me as if he knew me because I said that the segment did not injure me and that it reminded me of a `TV Roast` and it was the `good guys` having fun with the villain (Vickie G. The last audience loved the section or so it seemed to me by what I was listening and seeing. By endorsing the comedy bit, I`ve been accused of existence the sort of person who causes incidents such as Columbine. Columbine? Really? Because I actually plant the subject in interview to be funny, I`ve also been accused of not having any `guts.` I seriously doubt that individual would say to my cheek and often wonder if some seemingly obsessed fans are but as hellbent on the very important things in their lives as they are almost a pro wrestling TV show. Hey, I get it if every one doesn`t like the like things that I do and I appreciate reading various points of view. However, to compare what happens on a pro wrestling show to a cataclysm such as Columbine is ridiculous.
On non-wrestlers in WWE: From this fan`s perspective three of WWE`s most talked about and viable performers on TV right now are all essentially non wrestlers. Michael Cole, Vickie Guerrero and Jerry Lawler have all had significant `moments` on WWE TV over the preceding several weeks and one could take that more of those impact performances lies in the future. Smart promoters monetize those TV persona`s that are stimulating to the interview and get motivated the fans to build the all important, necessary emotional investment in their TV characters. Hopefully, some of WWE`s young talents will find the nuances of how these three aforementioned individuals have completed their success as all get taken different paths to accomplish such, by and large.
On Randy Savage: An emailer asked me how I liked broadcasting with Randy Savage. Savage was a little challenging not because he lacked skill or knowledge but because he was extremely unpredictable about what he was leaving to say and when he was leaving to say it. Macho Man certainly kept one on their toes.
On Smackdown`s rating: Great TV rating on Tuesday night for Smackdown. Biggest rating in years as best I know. That`s the conflict in existence on a network such as USA as opposed to their sister network, the fledging Syfy Network. USA is a giant among cable networks and being on a lesser entity, as other wrestling shows are as well, is only a daunting task.
On Taz`s finishing school: Really glad to see of the initial success that Taz` dojo is having. Taz will coach up wrestlers with live and think this is not a dojo for beginners. I highly recommend that young wrestlers check Taz` new biz out. It`s based in Long Island, New York as many of you already know. I really enjoyed working at the announce table with Taz in WWE.
On Nexus: What`s next for Nexus? Big question here on this situation from a mass of folks. It seems as if John Cena is moving on to CM Punk, which I personally think will be stout, but I can`t see Nexus evaporating. I call that Nexus will pass in some shape, form or manner in the close future and how they call their internal issues could potentially be interesting TV.
Be trusted to stay out the full blog at http://www.JRSBARBQ.com/ These are ever great reads his BBQ sauce is amazing. Get around if you`ve got a few extra bucks to spend!
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